Networking with various partners and clients is fundamental for the success of our work. We use the resulting synergies for the continuous development of our courses and services.
We cooperate with the following partners and clients, among others:
Amt für Berufsberatung, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung (Office for guidance, vocational training and adult education) of the Canton of Basel-City
Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Office for Economy and Labour) of the Canton of Basel-City
Ausländerdienst Baselland (Foreigners Service Basel Countryside)
Migration GGG
Consulate of Italy in Basel
Fachverband Arbeitsintegration Nordwestschweiz (Association for the Integration of Labour in Northwestern Switzerland)
Erziehungsdepartement (Department of Education) of the Canton of Basel-City, adult education department
Erziehungsdepartement (Department of Education) of the Canton of Basel-City, Day care department
Erziehungsdepartement (Department of Education) of the Canton of Basel-City, Pedagogy department
Erziehungsdepartement (Department of Education) of the Canton of Basel-City, Support for early German language learning
Bildungsdepartement (Directorate of Education, Vocational Training, Secondary Schools and Universities) of the Canton of Basel Countryside
Trade union Unia
Fachstelle Diversität und Integration (Competence Center for Diversity and Inclusion) of Basel-City
K5 Basler Kurszentrum
Kantonales Amt für Industrie, Gewerbe und Arbeit (Cantonal office of industry, crafts and work) of the canton of Basel Countryside
Migrant organizations
Joint Commission for the construction sector of the cantons of Basel City and Basel Countryside
Joint Commission for the cleaning sector
Regional employment centers (RAV)
Sozialhilfe und Arbeitsintegrationszentrum AIZ Basel (Center for Social Assistance and Employment in Basel)
Municipalities, public authorities and social services in the cantons of Basel City and Basel Countryside
Verband für Sozialhilfe VSO des Kantons Basel-Landschaft (Association for Social Assistance of the canton of Basel Countryside)